14 Absolute Guarantees You Will Never Be Called Back

Every EntreMusician has either had to Deal with a display of Unprofessionalism of Another Band/Team Member at One Time or Another. Some of us (Including Myself) have unfortunately brought such obnoxious behavior to the table and wondered why the thing fell apart, or moved on without you.

Below, I have included 14 Absolute Guarantees that You Will Never Be Called Back if You Possess these Obnoxious Characteristics!


1) Arrive Late.

2) Make Several Excuses for Your Tardiness. Justifiable or Not.

3) Be Unprepared.

4) Make At Least One Excuse for Why You Didn’t Learn the Tunes. Any Excuse Will Do. 

5) Show a General Disregard/Disrespect for the Person who Hired You. 

6) Arrive Inebriated or become so during the Gig. 

7) Develop & Maintain a Crappy Attitude that worsens throughout the Evening. 

8) Use tons of profanity, especially on stage, specifically on the Mic.

9) Ridicule Any or All Band Members Onstage from the Microphone. 

10) Bring a Spouse/Significant Other to the Gig and Argue with them throughout the evening. 

11) Return to the Bandstand Late for the 2nd/3rd Set. 

12), Openly Squinch, Laugh and/or Point at the Bass Player Every time She Hits a Wrong Note. 

13) Aggressively Offend Any or All Members of the Audience On or Offstage. Especially if they should Deserve it.

14) Place Your Talent  Above Your Unprofessionalism and try to Outdo Everyone Else on stage with Your Brilliant, Illustrious, Completely Longer than Necessary Solos, thinking that because Your Gift IS Brilliant and You Sound So Wonderful and Have the Whole House On Their Feet and Under Your Sway that the Entire Band & Bandleader will simply forget the other 13 Abominable Attributes You Bring to the Table and Beg You to Come Back Next Friday...In Fact, the Third Time You Pull This Stunt, The Audience will have caught on and will no longer provide the Energy and Attention You Seek.

Perhaps I Have Forgotten One or Two Things You Feel Should Be on This List.

If So, Please Enlighten Us By Commenting Below...


I was listening to Bernie Worrell's "All The Woo In the World" On Vinyl while posting this.

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