Chase Away the Proverbial "They" 

They Say: "You'll Never Make It in this Business" 

They Say: "You Need to Go to This School and have That Degree"

They Say: "Only 2% Succeed in Your Industry, So Don't Bother"

They Say: "You Need The Right Connections"

They Say: "You Have to Dress Like This and Play Your Trumpet Like That or Forget It!" 

They Say: "No One Is Going to Appreciate Your Style of Music!"

They Say: "You Have No Right to Take That Position"

They Say: "You Don't Deserve to Receive Those Accolades!"

They Say: "It Will Never Work!"

They Say: "Don't Expect Much, So You Won't Be Disappointed!"


Yes, They Say a lot of Discouraging, Mean & Nasty Things, often without trying to be Mean, Nasty or Discouraging.

Somehow They forget that the Celebrated Icons They Themselves Honor, Revere & Adore were Told the Very Same Things, Did Not Have the Right Connections, Money, Resources or Attend an Institution of Select Pedigree.

Icons are Pioneers whom Forge their Own Identities, Sounds, Art & Creativity onto the Global Landscape without Asking Permission or Seeking Solace in the Status Quo.

These Ambassadors of Innovation Shift the Platform of Public Paradigms into New Realities of Consciousness that Shape the Future and Transcend Life As We Currently Understand It.

With Constant Obstacle, Hurdles, Detours and Encumbrances at Every Level, Vanguards Chase Away the Proverbial They as These Climb Higher Toward Their Own Thrones, Created Just for Them.

Go and Do Likewise...


I Was Listening to YellowJackets "Shades" on Vinyl while composing this post.

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